California State Lands Commission

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Betty T. Yee, State Controller, Chair

Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor, Member

Joe Stephenshaw, Director of Department of Finance, Member

Original Agenda Posted 2:30 p.m. on Monday, November 28, 2022



December 9, 2022

Warren-Alquist State Energy Building

Rosenfeld Hearing Room, First Floor

1516 Ninth Street

Sacramento, California 95814

10:00 a.m.

Live webcast available at

This State Lands Commission meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format, with public participation possible both virtually through the Zoom platform and in person. The Commission encourages continued participation virtually through the Zoom platform due to changing COVID-19 conditions. In the event that the virtual platform encounters significant technical difficulties, the Commission will take a short recess to assess and address the challenges and will post an update to its website and email listserv. If the technical difficulty cannot be addressed in a timely fashion, the Commission will proceed with its meeting and provide an update through its website and email listserv.

Join the meeting over the web from your PC, tablet, or smart phone using the following Zoom link:

Password: 380047

Join the meeting by phone using the following call-in numbers: 1 (253) 215-8782 or 1 (346) 248-7799 and use the Webinar ID: 817 2786 0614.

Instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting and provide public comment.

Meeting Procedures

Access to meetings (Reasonable Accommodation)

If you need reasonable accommodation to conduct business with the Commission for a disability, as defined by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, please contact the Commission at 916.574.1800 or by email to in advance to arrange for such accommodation.

Sign language interpreter

A sign language interpreter will be provided upon advance notification of need by a deaf or hard of hearing person. Please contact the Commission at 711 (TTY) 916.574.1800 or by email to at least five days prior to the meeting to arrange for an interpreter.

Staff reports and exhibits

A written staff report is available for most items on this agenda. Please note that staff reports are posted as soon as available on the Commission’s website at The staff report and exhibits may be reviewed and downloaded. Past meetings, including staff reports and exhibits, transcripts, and webcasts, may also be viewed on the Commission’s website.

Submission of written materials

Written materials must be submitted to the Commission no later than three business days before the meeting. Please Note: You are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the meeting unless they are visual aids as it is difficult for Commissioners to thoroughly consider late submittals. No facsimiles, texts, or emails will be accepted during the meeting. All non-procedural communications become part of the record.

Notification of meetings and agendas

If you would like to receive electronic notification of Commission meetings, please visit and subscribe to Commission Meeting Notices.

Agenda organization

The majority of items on the consent agenda are presented by the Commission’s Land Management Division and involve the state’s tide and submerged lands and beds of navigable waterways. These Land Management consent items are organized by regions (see Geographical breakdown). Consent items involving school lands that benefit the State Teachers’ Retirement System are next addressed, followed by items from the Commission’s other divisions.

Geographical breakdown by counties

NORTHERN REGION COUNTIES: Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Lake, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, and Yuba.

BAY / DELTA REGION COUNTIES: Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Marin, Mono, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne.

CENTRAL / SOUTHERN REGION COUNTIES: Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Benito, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.

Abbreviations and acronyms

·         A and S references are to Assembly and Senate districts

·         CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act


Order of Business

I.            10:00 a.m. – Open Session

II.          Public Comment

Public comments will be heard at 10:00 a.m. for items not on the agenda, for no more than 30 minutes. At the discretion of the Chair, speakers will be given up to 3 minutes. For those unable to attend the early public comment period, there may be additional comment time available later in the day. Note: Comments made during the general public comment period regarding matters pending before the Commission do not become part of the official record for those matters.

·         Public Comments

III.         Confirmation of Minutes for the October 25, 2022 meeting

IV.       Executive Officer’s Report

Continuation of Rent Actions to be taken by the Executive Officer pursuant to the Commission’s Delegation of Authority:

·         LOVEY’S LANDING, LLC (LESSEE): Continuation of rent at $1,394.24 per year, annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index, for a General Lease – Commercial Use located on the Sacramento River. (PRC 2175)

Tomales Bay Assignment Actions to be taken by the Executive Officer pursuant to the Commission’s Delegation of Authority:

·         ROBIN LIVINGSTON (ASSIGNOR); TEOBALDO SCHUJMAN (ASSIGNEE): Assignment of General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Tomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 Highway 1, near Marshall, Marin County. (Lease 9426)

V.        Consent Calendar 01-66

The following items are considered to be noncontroversial and are subject to change at any time up to the date of the meeting.

Land Management

Northern Region

  01        2250 North Lake LLC, a California limited liability company (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 2300 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8975; A3205; RA# 2021074) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  02        6M, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LESSEE); JOHN A. HOHMAN AND JENNIFER S. HOHMAN, TRUSTEES OF THE HOHMAN FAMILY TRUST DATED JUNE 14, 2005 (APPLICANT): Consider a termination and issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 4480 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier, boathouse, boat hoist, sundeck with stairs, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4857; A3280; RA# 2021080) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  03        Babbage, LLC, a california limited liability company (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); Geoffrey David RAlston and Andrea Gayle Ralston, trustees of the ralston family trust u/d/t dated january 16, 1998 (APPLICANT/ASSIGNEE): Consider assignment of Lease 8728, a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1530 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift, and one mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 8728; A3340; RA# 2021114) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  04        BACK TO HOMEWOOD LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 5010 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood, Placer County; for an existing mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (A3797; RA# 2022076) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  05        BREMBIL, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 171 Paradise Flat Lane, near Rubicon Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier, boat lift, and four mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8402; A3419; RA#2021187) (A 5; S 1) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  06        Randy G. Burdick and Linda T. Burdick, Trustees of the Linda and Randy Burdick Trust U.D.T. dated August 22, 1991, as Amended and Restated (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 6430 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista, Placer County; for an existing pier and two mooring buoys not previously authorized by the Commission. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (A3138; RA# 2020459) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  07        CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in Hudeman Slough, a tributary of Sonoma Creek, adjacent to 28000 Skaggs Island Road, near Sonoma, Sonoma County; for reconstruction of a public boat launch ramp facility. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by Sonoma County Regional Parks Department, State Clearinghouse No. 2015022061, an Addendum, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program. (Lease 2887; A2846; RA# 2020090) (A 10; S 3) (Staff: S. Avila)

  08        SIMON CASSIDY AND SUKHINDER SINGH CASSIDY, TRUSTEES OF THE SIMON CASSIDY REVOCABLE TRUST DATED OCTOBER 4, 2004 AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 3, 2008 AND SUKHINDER SINGH CASSIDY AND SIMON CASSIDY, TRUSTEES OF THE SUKHINDER SINGH CASSIDY REVOCABLE TRUST DATED OCTOBER 4, 2004 AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 3, 2008 (APPLICANT): Consider application for General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3255 West Lake Boulevard, Homewood, Placer County; for an existing pier and one mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7335; A2645 RA# 2019318) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: D. Romero)

  09        JOHN R. CHRISTENSEN, TRUSTEE OF THE JOHN R. CHRISTENSEN LIVING TRUST DATED APRIL 27, 2015 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 100 Sierra Terrace Road, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8405; A3665; RA# 2022017) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  10        ANNE CROWLEY, AND HER SUCCESSOR(S), AS THE TRUSTEE OF THE REILLY 2012 IRREVOCABLE TRUST, WHICH IS ESTABLISHED UNDER THE REILLY 2012 IRREVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 19, 2012 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 5850 North Lake Boulevard Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier, two unattached pilings, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 6609; A3377; RA#2021136) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  11        RUTH W. DIEKMAN, TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD D. AND RUTH W. DIEKMAN TRUST UAD 9/24/2009; SUSAN DIEKMAN, TRUSTEE OF THE NATHAN JOHNSON TRUST; SUSAN DIEKMAN; SALLY D. RYAN, AS TRUSTEE OF THE WIFE'S TRUST UNDER THE RYAN FAMILY TRUST UNDER AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 1991, AS AMENDED AND RESTATED. (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 845 Stateline Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County; for one existing mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9004; A3686; RA# 2022027) (A 5; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  12        STEPHEN A. FINN, TRUSTEE OF THE FINN 2001 LIVING TRUST, DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 (LESSEE); SUNNYSIDE LANE LAKE TAHOE LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider acceptance of a lease quitclaim deed and application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 2380 Sunnyside Lane, near Sunnyside, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift, one mooring buoy, and one swim float. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4250; A3540; RA# 2021251) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Holt)

  13        GUS C. GIANULIAS AND JULIE M. GIANULIAS FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST ESTABLISHED JANUARY 20, 1983; THE CHRIS GIANULIAS REVOCABLE TRUST; THE JON AND VERONICA GIANULIAS REVOCABLE TRUST (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3880 North Lake Blvd, near Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier and mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3556; A3695; RA# 2022015) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  14        GABRIELLE D. HARLE; ANNE B. DONAHOE, AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE B. DONAHOE TAHOE RESIDENCE TRUST NO. 1 FBO GABRIELLE DONAHOE HARLE; ANNE B. DONAHOE, AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE B. DONAHOE TAHOE RESIDENCE TRUST NO. 2 FBO DANIEL JUSTIN DONAHOE IV; AND ANNE B. DONAHOE, AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE B. DONAHOE TAHOE RESIDENCE TRUST NO. 3 FBO BROOKE DONAHOE ROBERTS (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 8873 and 8879 Rubicon Drive, near Tahoma, El Dorado County; for an existing pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3653; A3482; RA# 2021202) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: L. Ward)

  15        JOHN LEE, TRUSTEE OF THE JOHN LEE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 18, 2011 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3420 Edgewater Drive, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8963; A3714; RA# 2022013) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  16        Alvin T. Levitt, successor Co-trustee of the Mary ann Tonkin Survivor’s Trust; wendy Tonkin, Successor Co-Trustee of the Mary ann Tonkin Survivor’s Trust; and Jill B. Tonkin Finegold, Successor Co-Trustee of the Mary ann tonkin Survivor’s Trust (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 7432 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista, Placer County; for one existing mooring buoy not previously authorized by the Commission. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (A3086; RA# 2020407) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)


  18        JOHN O. RYAN AND PAULINE E. RYAN, TRUSTEES OF THE JOHN AND PAULINE RYAN TRUST DATED JANUARY 22, 1992 (LESSEE); 8833 RUBICON, LLC (APPLICANT): Consider waiver of penalty and interest; void Invoice Numbers 52548 and 55292; termination of Lease Number PRC 5623, a General Lease – Recreational Use; and application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 8833 Rubicon Drive, near Meeks Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier, boathouse with boat lift, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5623; A3133; RA# 2020452) (A 5; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  19        LINDA LEE SAXTON (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 5290 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4333; A3727; RA# 2022021) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  20        STAR HARBOR ASSOCIATION, A CALIFORNIA NON-PROFIT (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 2350 Star Harbor Court, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier and 15 existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4694; A3464; RA#2021194) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  21        SANJAY SRIVASTAVA (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 4830 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood, Placer County; for one existing mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8400; A3764; RA# 2022049) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: M. Waldo)

  22        TONOPALO PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, INC. (APPLICANT): Consider application for General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 6750 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista, Placer County; for an existing pier and 12 mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8439; A3362; RA# 2021133) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: D. Romero)

  23        THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE, LASSEN NATIONAL FORREST (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease Number PRC 2376, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in Eagle Lake, near Susanville, Lassen County; for a marina, known as Gallatin Marina at Eagle Lake. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 2376) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  24        Ronald T. Vanderbeek and Billie J. Vanderbeek (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1640 Sequoia Avenue, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8991; A3550; RA# 2021263) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  25        Ronald T. Vanderbeek and Billie J. Vanderbeek (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1620 Sequoia Avenue, Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9010; A3584; RA# 2021379) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  26        Ronald T. Vanderbeek; Billie J. Vanderbeek; robert S. Marston, Jr., Co-trustee of the Marston Family Trust dated September 29, 2016; and John Burdette Gage and Linda Joan Schacht, co-trustees of the Kalalau Revocable Inter Vivos trust dated October 4, 1986 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1620 Sequoia Avenue, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing joint-use pier, boathouse with boat lift, and sundeck with stairs. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9012; A3692; RA# 2021383) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

Bay / Delta Region

  27        PATRICK T. BECKLEY AND LYNN MARIE BECKLEY, TRUSTEES OF THE BECKLEY FAMILY TRUST (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Georgiana Slough, adjacent to 409 West Willow Tree Lane, near Isleton, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3365; A3516; RA#2021238) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  28        BON AIR SEVEN CO. L.P., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Corte Madera Creek, adjacent to 875 South Eliseo Drive, Greenbrae, Marin County; for an existing boat dock and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5314; A3551; RA# 2021284) (A 10; S 2) (Staff: L. Anderson)

  29        CALIFORNIA RESOURCES PRODUCTION CORPORATION (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, of sovereign land located in Suisun Bay, between Pittsburg and Ryer Island, Contra Costa and Solano Counties; for an existing natural gas pipeline and an existing condensate pipeline. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3978; RA# 24416) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: M. Schroeder)

  30        CITY OF MODESTO (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Tuolumne River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 037-037-001 and 056-025-002, near Modesto, Stanislaus County; for two wastewater pipes. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4074; A3529; RA# 2021358) (A 21; S 12) (Staff: J. Holt)

  31        COUNTY OF SAN JOAQUIN (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the San Joaquin River, adjacent to Howard Road, near French Camp, San Joaquin County; for an existing bridge. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4922; A3247; RA# 2021046) (A 13; S 5) (Staff: J. Holt)

  32        COUNTY OF STANISLAUS (LESSEE/APPLICANT): Consider amendment of Lease Number PRC 7183, a General Lease – Public Agency Use; acceptance of a partial lease quitclaim deed; and an application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Tuolumne River, adjacent to 7th Street, Modesto, Stanislaus County; for the replacement of the 7th Street Bridge and construction of a temporary pedestrian and bicycle crossing. CEQA Consideration: Environmental Impact Report, certified by the County of Stanislaus, State Clearinghouse No. 2013092059, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations. (Lease 7183; A3262; RA# 2021151) (A 12; S 8) (Staff: N. Lee)

  33        DELTA GAS GATHERING, INC. (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, of sovereign land located in Steamboat Slough, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 0042-260-090 and 142-0100-061, near Walnut Grove, Sacramento and Solano Counties; for an existing non-operational natural gas pipeline. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8077; RA# 2020469) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: M. Schroeder)
Removed from the agenda 12/05/2022.

  34        EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT (LESSEE/SUBLESSOR); CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY (SUBLESSEE): Consider amendment and sublease endorsement of Lease Number PRC 9029, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located along the Carquinez Strait, Assessor’s Parcel Number 368-090-004 and adjacent tide and submerged lands, near Port Costa, Contra Costa County; for four existing groundwater wells. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (PRC 9029; RA# 2020455) (A 14; S 3) (Staff: K. Connor)

  35        JAIME FAVILA JR. AND KATHRYN A. FAVILA (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 7140 Pocket Road, Sacramento, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3590; A3413; RA# 2021158) (A 9; S 6) (Staff: J. Holt)

  36        INVESTORS OF KING ISLAND, INC. (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent and surety bond to Lease Number PRC 6846, a General Lease – Commercial, Right-of-Way and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the historic channel of Old River, near Byron, San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties; for a commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 6846) (A 11; S 7) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  37        GREGORY SCOTT KANN AND ELIZABETH GARAMENDI KANN, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE GARAMENDI KANN FAMILY TRUST DATED DECEMBER 26, 2019 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to Sacramento County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 142-0230-007 and 142-0230-008, near Walnut Grove, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 6351; A3357; RA# 2021149) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  38        Roger Kelly (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Calaveras River, adjacent to 2869 Calariva Drive, Stockton, San Joaquin County; for an existing boathouse and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8422; A3515; RA# 2022014) (A 13; S 5) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  39        LEGACY INVESTMENTS, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Steamboat Slough, adjacent to 13737 Grand Island Road, near Walnut Grove, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock and appurtenant facilities previously authorized by the Commission, and an existing covered floating patio not previously authorized by the Commission. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8173; A3472; RA#2021199) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: S. Avila)

  40        Isabelle Lemieux-bourveau (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Tomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 Highway 1, near Marshall, Marin County; for one existing mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: Negative Declaration, adopted by the California State Lands Commission, State Clearinghouse No. 2012082074. (A3636; RA# 2021342) (A 10; S 2) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

  41        SHC MANAGEMENT, LLC (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent, insurance, and surety bond to Lease Number PRC 6836, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 13900 River Road, near Locke, Sacramento County; for a commercial marina, known as The Boathouse Marina.  CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 6836) (A 9; S 3) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  42        Jan Van Sickle (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Tomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 Highway 1, near Marshall, Marin County; for a proposed mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: Negative Declaration, adopted by the California State Lands Commission, State Clearinghouse No. 2012082074. (A3506; RA# 2021225) (A 10; S 2) (Staff: J. Plovnick)

Central / Southern Region

  43        CONNOLLY-PACIFIC CO. (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent and surety bond to Lease Number PRC 4193, a General Lease – Industrial Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, at Jewfish Point and Empire Landing, Santa Catalina Island, Los Angeles County; for a stiff leg crane and eight moorings. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 4193) (A 70; S 26) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  44        MARIANNE GODSEY, GENERAL PARTNER OF YES DOG, LP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Colorado River adjacent to 1158 Beach Drive, Needles, San Bernardino County; for an existing boat dock and gangway with railing, two planter areas, concrete stairs, railing, walkway, retaining walls, electrical and irrigation appurtenances, and riprap bankline protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9051; A3651: RA# 2021360) (A 33; S 16) (Staff: G. Asimakopoulos)

  45        TYREE T. HUNTER, A WIDOW, AND GEORGE E. PORTER, JR., A SINGLE MAN; AND RENE G. WIDMANN AND LISA D. WIDMANN, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS; AND ADRIANA WIDMANN, A SINGLE WOMAN AND NICHOLAS G. WIDMANN, A SINGLE MAN, ALL AS JOINT TENANTS (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Colorado River adjacent to 1162 Beach Drive, Needles, San Bernardino County; for existing concrete stairs with railing and appurtenances, riprap bank line protection, two planter areas with rock walls, and a concrete patio. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9061; A3634: RA# 2022020) (A 33; S 16) (Staff: G. Asimakopoulos)

  46        LOS CERRITOS WETLANDS AUTHORITY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land, identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 043-160-36, 043-160-45, 043-160-47, and 043-160-53, located in and adjacent to the former bed of the San Gabriel River, Seal Beach, Orange County; for clean-up, habitat restoration, and public access in conjunction with the Los Cerritos Wetlands Stewardship Program and the Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration Plan, and other ancillary maintenance activities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 9005; A3571; RA# 2022048) (A 72; S 34) (Staff: K. Connor)

  47        MARTIN RESORTS, INC. (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); CCC PSC OWNER, LLC (APPLICANT/ASSIGNEE): Consider assignment of Lease Number PRC 4698, a General Lease – Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean adjacent to 2555 and 2575 Price Street, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County; for existing rock riprap shoreline protective structures, portions of a retaining wall, and sand fill. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 4698; A3788; RA# 2022069) (A 35; S 17) (Staff: K. Connor)

  48        MOJAVE PIPELINE COMPANY, LLC (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, of sovereign land located in the Colorado River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 650-161-12, near Topock, San Bernardino County; for an existing natural gas pipeline. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7510; RA# 2020413) (A 33; S16) (Staff: J. Toy)

  49        POSEIDON RESOURCES (SURFSIDE) LLC (APPLICANT/CO-LESSEE): Consider acceptance of a lease quitclaim deed to terminate Poseidon Resources (Surfside) LLC’s rights and obligations as Co-Lessee of a General Lease – Industrial Use, of tide and submerged lands in the Pacific Ocean, offshore of Huntington Beach State Park, Huntington Beach, Orange County, for existing seawater intake and discharge pipelines. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 1980.1; A3693; RA# 2022003) (A 74; S 37) (Staff: C. Hudson)

  50        SANTA CATALINA ISLAND COMPANY (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease Number PRC 7030, a General Lease – Industrial Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, Jewfish Point and Empire Landing, Santa Catalina Island, Los Angeles County; for a rock protective structure and loading facilities in support of rock quarry operations, including mooring of barges. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 7030) (A 70; S 26) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  51        SANTA CATALINA ISLAND COMPANY (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease Number PRC 7378, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, Pebbly Beach, Santa Catalina Island, Los Angeles County; for a dock, concrete freight ramp and barge/tug landing area. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 7378) (A 70; S 26) (Staff: V. Caldwell)

  52        SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY (APPLICANT): Consider termination of Lease Number PRC 5253, a Public Agency Permit, and application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to Doheny State Beach, near Dana Point, Orange County; for an existing wastewater outfall pipeline and ballast rock. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5253; RA# 2021340) (A 74; S 37) (Staff: D. Simpkin)

·         Public Comment

  53        SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, near Laguna Beach, Orange County; for an existing wastewater outfall pipeline and ballast rock. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5139; RA# 2021341) (A 74; S 37) (Staff: D. Simpkin)

  54        THE MUHS 1992 PARTNERSHIP, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); THE MUHS 1992 PARTNERSHIP, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT/ASSIGNEE): Consider assignment of a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16901 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 3577; A3587; RA# 2021295) (A 72; S 34) (Staff L. Ward)

  55        LAWRENCE C. TISTAERT, TRUSTEE OF THE CHILDRENS TRUST ESTATE OF THE JAMES H. DEWALD AND WANDA E. DEWALD TRUST, DATED AUGUST 13, 1986, AS AMENDED (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 17051 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3569; A3537; RA# 2021261) (A 72; S 34) (Staff: L. Ward)

School Lands

  56        SOCIETY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF BIGHORN SHEEP (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Other, on State-owned school lands located near the California border, in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Inyo Counties; for installation of wildlife rain catchers. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (W26919; RA# 08115) (A 26, 33, 56; S 8, 16, 28) (Staff: D. Simpkin)

Mineral Resources Management

  57        CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION (APPLICANT): Consider application for a Non-Exclusive Geological Survey Permit on State sovereign land, Assessor’s Parcel Number 090-135-014, located near Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, Placer County. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (A3736; RA# 2022029) (A 6; S 5) (Staff: C. Fox)

  58        CALIFORNIA RESOURCES PRODUCTION CORPORATION (LESSEE): Consider acknowledgment of a Quitclaim Deed for oil and gas Lease No. 8694 (no surface use), in tide and submerged lands in the bed of Georgiana Slough, Sections 19 and 30, Township 4 North, Range 4 East, Mount Diablo Baseline & Meridian, Sacramento County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 8694) (A 15; S 5) (Staff: N. Heda)

  59        CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider approval of qualifying miles for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 subventions to the Cities of Huntington Beach and Seal Beach, located in Orange County; and to the City of Long Beach, located in Los Angeles County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (W 4848.1, W 4848.4, W 4848.8) (A 70, 72, 74; S 33, 34, 37) (Staff: N. Heda, A. Clark)

  60        ECOSYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Offshore Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct geophysical surveys on granted and ungranted tidelands and submerged lands statewide, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and addendum, State Clearinghouse No. 2013072021. (A3781; RA# 2022088) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: C. Fox)

  61        MERKEL & ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Offshore Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct geophysical surveys on granted and ungranted tidelands and submerged lands statewide, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and addendum, State Clearinghouse No. 2013072021. (A3696; RA# 2022124) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: C. Fox)

  62        MILLER MARINE SCIENTIFIC AND CONSULTING, INCORPORATED (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Offshore Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct geophysical surveys on granted and ungranted tidelands and submerged lands statewide, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and addendum, State Clearinghouse No. 2013072021. (A3698; RA# 20221202) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: C. Fox)

  63        SULMARA SUBSEA INCORPORATED (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Offshore Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct geophysical surveys on granted and ungranted tidelands and submerged lands statewide, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and addendum, State Clearinghouse No. 2013072021. (A3776; RA# 2022142) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: C. Fox)

  64        TERRASOND LIMITED (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Offshore Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct geophysical surveys on granted and ungranted tidelands and submerged lands statewide, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and addendum, State Clearinghouse No. 2013072021. (A6399; RA# 2022092) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: C. Fox)

Marine Environmental Protection

·         See Regular Calendar


  65        CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Request delegation of authority for the Executive Officer to undertake any actions necessary to effectuate the purposes of SB 44 (Jackson, Chapter 645, Statutes of 2017) including enter into interagency agreements, amend existing contracts, and issue solicitations for needed services, negotiate fair and reasonable prices, and award and execute agreements to retain contractors to perform seep studies along the coastline and work related to the Commission’s Coastal Hazard and Legacy Well Removal and Remediation Program. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (W 26911, W 30214) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: W. Scott, J. Fabel, M. Wiemer)


·         No items for this section.

Kapiloff Land Bank Trust Acquisition/Expenditure

·         No items for this section.

External Affairs

Granted Lands

  66        CITY OF LONG BEACH (TRUSTEE): Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $10,575,000 by the City of Long Beach for 18 capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land in the City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (G 05-03) (A 70; S 33) (Staff: M. Moser)

VI.       Informational Calendar 67

  67        NOTICE OF CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding entering into a lease amendment or other agreement for the extended use of the infrastructure associated with, and necessary for, the continued operation of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, San Luis Obispo County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission and Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Under negotiation: price and terms. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 9347; A3817) (A 35; S 17)

VII.     Regular Calendar 68-71

  68        CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider approval of the legislative report titled "2023 Biennial Report on the California Marine Invasive Species Program.” CEQA Consideration: not a project. (W 9777.234) (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: J. Thompson, C. Scianni)

·         Public Comment

  69        HAROLD M. MESSMER, JR. AND MARCIA N. MESSMER, TRUSTEES OF THE MESSMER FAMILY TRUST U/D/T DATED OCTOBER 1, 1993 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Other, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 4440 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier with boat lift; a boathouse with two boat lifts and residential quarters; two mooring buoys; and one swim float. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4380; A2468; RA# 2019190) (A 1; S 1) (Staff: S. Avila)

  70        CASA BLANCA BEACH ESTATE OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Protective Structure Use, compensation for unauthorized occupation, and authorization to take all action necessary, including litigation, to remove unauthorized improvements, of sovereign tide and submerged land located in the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to Assessor Parcel Number 005-600-018, near Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County; for existing rock revetment. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5764; RA# 2019312) (A 37; S 19) (Staff: K. Connor, B. Johnson)

·         Public Comment

  71        SOUTH COAST WATER DISTRICT (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to Doheny State Beach, Orange County; to construct, operate, and maintain up to five subsurface slant wells, and operate and maintain one acoustic doppler current profiler. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption for the acoustic doppler current profiler; for all other activities, Environmental Impact Report, certified by South Coast Water District, State Clearinghouse No. 2016031038, an Addendum, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program and Statement of Findings. (A3216; RA# 2021026) (A 73; S 36) (Staff: D. Simpkin)
Revised 12/06/2022.

·         Public Comments

VIII.   Public Comment

IX.       Commissioners’ Comment

X.         Closed Session

At any time during the meeting the Commission may meet in a session of Government Code section 11126, part of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.

A. Litigation

The Commission may consider pending and possible litigation pursuant to the confidentiality of attorney-client communications and privileges provided under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e).

1.    The Commission may consider pending and possible matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(A), concerning adjudicatory proceedings before a court, an administrative body exercising its adjudicatory authority, a hearing officer, or an arbitrator, to which the Commission is a party. Such matters currently include the following:

·         California State Lands Commission v. Signal Hill Service, Inc.; Pacific Operators, Inc., dba Pacific Operators Offshore, Inc.; DOES 1-100

·         California State Lands Commission, et al. v. Martins Beach 1 LLC, et al.

·         Candlestick Heights Community Alliance v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.

·         City and County of San Francisco; India Basin Investment, LLC v. State of California; South San Francisco Dock Co.; et al.

·         Eugene Davis v. State of California and California State Lands Commission

·         Ingrid Barot v. TOPCO, State of California, et al. 

·         In re: Temblor Petroleum Company, LLC, Bankruptcy Chapter 11

·         In re: Venoco, LLC, Bankruptcy Chapter 11

·         In re: EHT US1, Inc. et al. 

·         Martins Beach 1, LLC and Martins Beach 2, LLC v. Effie Turnbull-Sanders, et al.

·         Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, LLC v. City of Oakland

·         Owens Valley Committee v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, et al.

·         San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority v. State of California; State Lands Commission

·         State of California v. International Boundary and Water Commission, et al.

·         State Lands Commission v. Plains Pipeline, L.P., et al.

·         United States v. Walker River Irrigation District, et al.

·         White v. California State Lands Commission; California Public Works Board

·         Whitred Holdings, LLC v. The McConnel Foundation; California State Lands Commission (as cross defendant)

2.    The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(b), under which;

a.   A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the Commission, on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the Commission, or

b.   Based on existing facts and circumstances, the Commission is meeting only to decide whether a closed session is authorized because of a significant exposure to litigation against the Commission.

3.    The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(C), where, based on existing facts and circumstances, the state body has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation.

B.  Conference with real property negotiators

The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (c)(7), under which, prior to the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property by or for the Commission, directions may be given to its negotiators regarding price and terms of payment for the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease.

1.   Provide instructions to staff negotiators regarding entering into a lease amendment or other agreement for the extended use of the infrastructure associated with, and necessary for, the continued operation of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, San Luis Obispo County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission and Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Under negotiation: price and terms.

C. Other matters

The Commission may also consider personnel actions to appoint, employ, or dismiss a public employee as provided for in Government Code section 11126(A)(1).